Tag Archives: Weston

Our Latest Weston Residents

Just the other day, I saw this big fellow swoop down and land on one of the big trees on John Street.  The kids at Weston Memorial report numerous sightings, and some lucky kids have collected a few of his (her?) tail feathers.  I’ve since learned this is a golden hawk… but no expert confirmation.  Also, apparently the frequent sightings are because there are actually 4 birds hanging out in Weston.  One neighbour reports the hawks have been eyeing their little dog, and another reports watching one of them try unsuccessfully to scoop up an adult squirrel.   Could it be that these ambitious hawks are hanging around the elementary school dreaming about dinner?? 🙂

If anyone has any further news on these beautiful creatures, or maybe even thoughts about the location of their nest, please get in touch!

Ring a ding ding, Weston is voted top 10 community in CANADA!!

As if we didn’t already know… but still, it’s nice to be validated.  This Globe and Mail article was proudly passed around Canada Day parties in Weston with smiles and nods and “I told-you-so’s”.  By the way, Joe and Liz threw a pretty fantastic party, complete with bagpipes,  Haggis and a rousing version of Oh Canada with Gemma on the saxophone.   And, as was traditional, neighbours met at Weston Memorial School and put on a none to shabby fireworks display.  Canada’s 10 Greatest Communities

Welcome to Weston

Claudio Lucarini awaited some ghostly friends in a Superman costume as part of the trick or treating fun at his house.  He and his friends spend the night before hand carving the 100 pumpkins on display outside his Queen’s Drive home in Weston. According to some neighbourhood kids- it was Superman’s x-ray vision that helped him get the job done in time. 

This is one of many Halloween yard displays that keeps the kids flocking to Queen’s drive every year.