Our Latest Weston Residents

Just the other day, I saw this big fellow swoop down and land on one of the big trees on John Street.  The kids at Weston Memorial report numerous sightings, and some lucky kids have collected a few of his (her?) tail feathers.  I’ve since learned this is a golden hawk… but no expert confirmation.  Also, apparently the frequent sightings are because there are actually 4 birds hanging out in Weston.  One neighbour reports the hawks have been eyeing their little dog, and another reports watching one of them try unsuccessfully to scoop up an adult squirrel.   Could it be that these ambitious hawks are hanging around the elementary school dreaming about dinner?? 🙂

If anyone has any further news on these beautiful creatures, or maybe even thoughts about the location of their nest, please get in touch!

3 thoughts on “Our Latest Weston Residents

  1. Diana Stapleton

    The summer of 2011 we had a couple of hawks (i believe they were red tailed hawks) pretty much living in our backyard. We have several tall pine trees and they liked to hand out and wreck havoc with the local bird and squirrel population. One also did a dive bomb at my neighbours cat (we were actually in the yard when this happened and the hawk was less than 5 feet from us). Very exciting. Then they moved on, but I have seen the hawks back here again recently.

  2. welcome Post author

    try and capture a picture if you can! Would love to have another one for the site!

  3. Sandra

    There is a hawk’s nest at Humber River Hospital. There was at lease a mother and baby there

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