The Weston Village Residents’ Association (WVRA) was founded by 2008 by like-minded neighbours who wanted to bring the community – residents and the various groups – together to have a voice on issues affecting Weston Village. All residents, whether homeowners or renters, are invited to join the WVRA as members. Please send us an email and we can forward our registration form to you. Email us at: [email protected]
WVRA Executive
Tom Costantino, Chair
Dave Bennett, Vice-Chair
Jason Doolan, Vice-Chair
Amy Wong, Corporate Secretary
Adrienne McKenzie, Treasurer
Suri Weinberg-Linsky, Director of Communications
Romano D’Andrea, Director
Trevor Comer, Director
WVRA Board
Joanne Acri
Melissa Ammendolia
Luisa Bada
Jamie Cameron
Romano D’Andrea
John Frogley-Rawson
Liam Gerussi
Cherri Hurst
Senai Iman
Peter Kalamaris
Tony Koutoulas
Alan Murphy
Rachel McDonald
Diane Pavaday
Suri Weinberg-Linsky, Communications